Saturday, July 2, 2011

I have returned!

I have decided to try this again. Been busy working the new job and enjoying the married life. As soon a I junk the Integra shell, I will be Honda free for the first time in I can't even remember how long! Kinda bums me out since I have been through so many, so many different motor setups, suspensions, gutted interior, full interior makes me think I should have picked one and stuck with it! But you live you learn! After spending numerous days at MMP with Jason Smith, Randy Gibb, Adam Munoa, Kris McKoy, Micah Blauvelt, I think my next endevour into the Honda world will be a vehicle with a little JDM bling as well as a motor setup that packs a punch, and suspension and brakes that will allow me to compete in some Lap Battle events if I choose to do so. I am using this hatchback as my inspiration for my next project, so clean and simple yet so badass!!!!